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Pediatric Neonatology Patient Stories

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Reilly Krahe, RN, BSN holds Charlie Wells

NICU Baby Bonds with His Nurses

When Charlie was born at 24 weeks he weighed less than 2 pounds. But thanks to a dedicated NICU team and family-centered care, he grew stronger every day.

Ricky and Natassia Safranek with baby Lenny

Spiking Blood Pressure Signals Pregnancy-Related Crisis Before and After Delivery

Weighing a mere 1 pound 11 ounces at birth, little Lenny is an enormous miracle to his parents, who are still struck by the dramatic cascade of events that brought them safely to this place.

hand holding pill

For Expecting Moms With Opioid Addiction, Health Starts With Compassion

Opioid addiction treatment for pregnant women can be hard to get. Some providers consider pregnant women to be too high-risk, and misinformation abounds about what treatments are safe. Learn how UH is working to help these women and their babies.

Black Mental Health Week

Addressing the Health Crisis of Black Maternal Death and Infant Mortality

The U.S. has some of the worst rates of infant and maternal mortality among the world's developed nations, and racial disparities play a major role in the health outcomes for mothers and babies.

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