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Financial, Legal and Survivor Resources

Financial & Legal Information

  • LIVESTRONG Patient Navigation Services: Provides free support and navigation services to address financial, insurance, emotional, physical, fertility preservation and everyday concerns.
  • Cancer and Careers: Provides information and resources for patients who work during and after cancer treatment.
  • CancerCare: CancerCare provides professional support services – including counseling, education, financial assistance and practical help – to anyone affected by cancer. Services are free and provided by trained oncology social workers.
  • Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (CFAC): CFAC is a coalition of organizations that help cancer patients manage their financial challenges by educating them about existing resources. Search the CFAC database for organizations that help with specific cancer diagnoses or that provide a specific type of assistance or need.
  • Cancer Legal Resource Center: Provides free information and resources on cancer-related legal issues and health insurance options.
  • GoodRx: This website lets you search for coupons to get discounted prescriptions for various medications.
  • NeedyMeds: Find medicine assistance programs available from drug companies. NOTE: Usually, patients cannot directly apply to these programs. Ask a doctor, nurse or social worker to contact NeedyMeds on your behalf.
  • Patient Advocate Foundation: PAF provides education, legal counseling, referrals and scholarships to cancer patients and survivors. It specializes in matters related to managed care, insurance, financial issues, job discrimination, and debt crisis.
  • SAMFund for Young Adult Survivors of Cancer: Helps young adult cancer survivors with a successful transition into their post-treatment life by providing financial support through grants and scholarships for medical bills, insurance premiums, tuition, loans, computers and other expenses. Webinars on insurance and financial health are available on the website.
  • Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults: The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults provides information and support services to help with many issues unique to adolescents and young adults, including scholarships, support and networking groups.
  • Young Adults and the Affordable Care Act: Learn about getting healthcare coverage if you are under age 30 from Healthcare.gov.

Scholarship Information

  • Beyond the Cure Ambassador Scholarship Program: The National Children’s Cancer Society awards college scholarships to childhood cancer survivors who have demonstrated the ability to overcome the difficult challenges of cancer with determination and motivation.
  • Financial Aid Information: Information about college scholarships, loans and other types of financial aid.
  • National Collegiate Cancer Foundation: $1,000 competitive awards are given based upon financial need, quality of essay and recommendations, displaying a “Will Win” attitude, and overall story of cancer survivorship.
  • Patient Advocate Foundation: $3,000 competitive scholarships awarded to those diagnosed with and/or actively treated for a life-threatening disease within the past five years.
  • The Ulman Fund for Young Adults: Scholarships for 15- to 39-year-olds during their own diagnosis/treatment or the diagnosis/treatment of a parent or sibling.

Survivor Information

Even after beating cancer, survivors often still need support and other services as they move forward with their lives and put their cancer behind them. Here are some resources to help:

  • National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship: NCCS provides information and resources on cancer support, advocacy, and quality-of-life issues to cancer survivors and their loved ones.
  • Triage Cancer: Provides education and resources on the entire continuum of cancer survivorship issues to survivors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals.
  • Young Survival Coalition (YSC): This organization is dedicated to helping young women who have survived breast cancer.
  • Stupid Cancer: Stupid Cancer’s mission is to empower young adults affected by cancer by ending isolation and building community through meet-ups, educational programming and other resources.
  • First Descents: First Descents provides life-changing outdoor adventures for young adults ages 18 – 39 who have been impacted by cancer and other serious health conditions.
  • True North Treks: This program helps teens and young adults with cancer find direction and connection through innovative programs such as backpacking and wilderness treks.
  • Elephants & Tea: This media company’s mission is to help adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients, survivors and caregivers know they are not alone in their fight with cancer through stories written in cancer patients’ and survivors’ own words.