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Financial & Legal Information

Use the following links to connect with financial and legal resources for young cancer patients, including information on insurance, careers, medical assistance and scholarships:

  • LIVESTRONG Patient Navigation Services: Provides free support and navigation services to address financial, insurance, emotional, physical, fertility preservation and everyday concerns.
  • Cancer and Careers: Provides information and resources for patients who work during and after cancer treatment.
  • CancerCare: CancerCare provides professional support services – including counseling, education, financial assistance and practical help – to anyone affected by cancer. Services are free and provided by trained oncology social workers.
  • Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (CFAC): CFAC is a coalition of organizations that help cancer patients manage their financial challenges by educating them about existing resources. Search the CFAC database for organizations that help with specific cancer diagnoses or that provide a specific type of assistance or need.
  • Cancer Legal Resource Center: Provides free information and resources on cancer-related legal issues and health insurance options. 
  • NeedyMeds: Find medicine assistance programs available from drug companies. NOTE: Usually, patients cannot directly apply to these programs. Ask a doctor, nurse or social worker to contact NeedyMeds on your behalf.
  • Patient Advocate Foundation: PAF provides education, legal counseling, referrals and scholarships to cancer patients and survivors. It specializes in matters related to managed care, insurance, financial issues, job discrimination, and debt crisis.
  • SAMFund for Young Adult Survivors of Cancer: Helps young adult cancer survivors with a successful transition into their post-treatment life by providing financial support through grants and scholarships for medical bills, insurance premiums, tuition, loans, computers and other expenses. Webinars on insurance and financial health are available on the website.
  • Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults: The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults provides information and support services to help with many issues unique to adolescents and young adults, including scholarships, support and networking groups.
  • Young Adults and the Affordable Care Act: Learn about getting health care coverage if you are under age 30 from Healthcare.gov.