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Pediatric Blood Transfusions

At University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s, our team of hematology experts provides comprehensive care for children with blood disorders. Our specialists provides a variety of treatments and therapies for these children, including the use of blood transfusions.

Blood transfusions are used to replace blood that has been lost, is missing, or isn't working properly, and is usually administered through an IV drip. The blood may come from a donor with the same blood type, or the patient may receive his or her own blood that has been stored. Blood transfusions in children are commonly used to treat sickle cell disease, aplastic anemia and other blood-related diseases. Children undergoing chemotherapy may also require a blood transfusion if they develop anemia. Additionally, blood transfusions are used in surgical and trauma settings to treat loss of blood in children.

Our blood transfusion includes specialists from many different specialty areas, including hematology and oncology, pediatric surgery and anesthesiology, as well as the pediatric hematology nursing staff that is specially trained in blood transfusion techniques. Our team also works closely with lab and blood bank staff to ensure adequate and compatible supplies are available.

We offer pediatric blood transfusion services on an outpatient basis for the convenience of families and to help minimize disruption to their daily schedules. These services are available at several community-based infusion locations throughout Northeast Ohio.