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Family & Child Life Services

Music Therapy

For children, hospitalization can disrupt normal living patterns, school and important social activities. The Music Therapy Program at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital minimizes this disruption by providing sensitive, creative interventions--including the playing of instruments and the writing of songs. These interventions also offer acute and chronically ill children the chance to learn, express themselves, interact with family and peers and, simply, relax and enjoy themselves. Even parents and siblings can join the fun… and experience the benefits. Music therapy interventions take place individually, during group sessions, and during Rainbow Channel TV programming.

The power of music is documented: Studies have shown that music can influence heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, pain perception, physical health and well-being. At UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, music therapy helps children and families discover new ways to effectively cope—both physically and emotionally—with hospitalization.