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Art Therapy

Art therapy gives voice to children and families through expressive art materials. When words are not available for expression or communication, art speaks. It is a language without words, offering a means for individualized and unique personal expression. Both the artwork itself and the process of creating artwork can provide children and families with a non-verbal avenue to communicate, problem solve, express self and emotions, and positively cope with their healthcare experience.

Art Therapy is an allied health profession that uses art to help people understand themselves while making positive changes in their behavior. Through art media, the art therapist helps patients experience the creative process as a healing process, as art becomes a way of communicating and expressing feelings.

The role of the art therapist at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital is to address the physical and emotional needs of pediatric patients through a variety of educational and healing art experiences. These activities help children develop, provide opportunities for them to explore problems and potentials, reaffirm their self-image, and, in more basic terms, let them have fun. Rainbow's art therapist provides group sessions, individualized bedside sessions, and Rainbow Channel TV Programming that enables patients, family and staff alike to experience the expressive and therapeutic qualities of the visual arts.