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INTEND Research Study

business woman talking in a group

AGE: 15-20 years old
TYPE: Educational Observational Study
CONDITION: Type 2 Diabetes
LOCATION: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Learn More About This Research Study

For more information, please contact the study coordinator, Jessica Surdam at 216-844-7925 or complete the form below.

Study Purpose

The purpose of this research study is to see if it is possible to deliver a diabetes self-management intervention, called INTEND (InterveNTion for Early oNset type 2 Diabetes (INTEND), to adolescents and young adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and their parents or guardians. Researchers are also interested in how INTEND affects the quality of life, symptoms of anxiety and depression, and laboratory measures of the severity of T2D in youth who participate.

Who Can Participate

Participants between 15 and 20 years of age who are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes may be eligible for this study.

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  • STUDYID# 20210273