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We have updated our Online Services Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. See our Cookies Notice for information concerning our use of cookies and similar technologies. By using this website or clicking “I ACCEPT”, you consent to our Online Services Terms of Use.

Your Safety is Paramount…Please Speak Up!

You and your family are partners on our safety team! Ask questions about your tests, treatments and medications, and expect to participate in all decisions about your care.

University Hospitals encourages all of our patients to discuss their care and hospital services with nurses and physicians, and to ask any questions you may have. Please write down any questions and important information. We encourage you to do so! We recommend that you always keep a list with you of medications you are taking and their doses.

Speakup Program

University Hospitals is a firm supporter of the Speak Up™ program, a national patient safety campaign developed by The Joint Commission* and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services


Employees: Employees wear identification badges at all times.

Patients: Before every procedure or test is performed or medication is given, a staff member should check your identification by asking for your name, birth date or medical record number. Feel free to remind staff members to do so, and let them know if you have any concerns about receiving the incorrect medication, treatment or test.

Visitor Passes

Visitor passes with photos (FAST-PASS®) are required for anyone visiting a child at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital. Please visit UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s FAST-PASS® for more details. Visitor passes are not required for visitors to adult units. But visitors are requested to follow a few guidelines.

Preventing Falls

Preventing you from falling is a priority while we care for you in the hospital. What we do to help prevent falls: assess your risk for falling, maintain a clear path to the bathroom, keep your call bell within your reach, and answer your call light in a timely manner. What you can do: sit first on the side of your bed, then stand; use your side rail to help you sit up; and follow the safety instructions your nurse provides.

Hand Washing

Hand washing is a very effective way to prevent the spread of infection. Please recommend that your family and friends always wash their hands when they visit. Feel free to remind staff members to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer when they enter your room too.

Smoking Policy

For the health and safety of our patients, visitors and employees, smoking is strictly prohibited in all UH buildings and on all UH property.


Please leave all valuables, including wallets, jewelry and cash, at home or with family members. You may ask your nurse about lock-box services. University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital cannot be responsible for lost personal belongings.

Alert Us!

If a family member or visitor notices any change in a loved one’s condition or you think that something just doesn’t seem right, please notify one of our nurses right away. Our Code White rapid response teams can be mobilized immediately to help. Information about Code White teams is posted on each floor. Please familiarize yourself with it.