University Hospitals Prentiss Pediatric Surgery Center Answers Patient Questions and Calms Concerns
Don’t forget to bring the needed items for you and your child. Read the planning ahead section.
Where to park
For surgery at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital
Park in the Adelbert Road garage next to UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, 2101 Adelbert Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44106.
The first two hours of parking is free, and then is charged by the hour. If you and your child are coming in for same-day surgery and going home afterwards, parking is free for one family member who will be driving the child home. Long-term passes can be purchased at a lower rate if you or your family needs to return for several visits. Visit or call the UH parking office for more details.
To call the Parking Office, call 440-922-6297. The office is located on the first floor of the Humphrey Building, Room 1629 (near Pre-Admission Testing).
Parking Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. weekdays
Valet parking is available 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. weekdays at the entrances to Lerner Tower and UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.
If your child is having surgery at one of our community sites, parking is free.
When and where to check in
Arrive at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital one and a half hours before the scheduled procedure time.
Check in at the reception desk on the first floor of UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.
FAST-PASS visitor IDs
All parents, siblings, family and friends to UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and Prentiss Surgery Center must be issued a special FAST-PASS ID. This ID must be visible at all times.
To get your FAST-PASS ID, show a current form of ID such as a driver’s license, state ID, student ID or passport at the reception desk in the UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital main lobby.
The preop area (before surgery)
- On the day of surgery, your child will be taken to the preop area in the surgery center. Two adults can be with your child.
- In this area, you will speak with one or more of the doctors on your child’s surgery team. They can give you a sense of how long the surgery will last. Please note that the surgery may take longer than planned.
- The preop nurse will ask some questions and make sure both you and your child are ready for surgery.
- When your child is taken to surgery, you will be asked to go back to the waiting area. If you leave the waiting area, ask the secretary for a pager and leave your cell phone number so we can contact you if needed. Cell phones do not work in all parts of the hospital, so if you leave, it is important that you also ask for a pager.
During surgery
- The anesthesiologist gives your child medicine to help him/her sleep and ease pain, and monitors your child throughout the surgery.
- If you can, have something to eat and drink in the cafeteria while you are waiting. This can help you have the strength needed to care for your child later. We ask that parents and visitors not bring food or drinks into the waiting area.
- Please ask your doctor in the preop area if you can leave the waiting area. Some surgeries are very short and your child’s surgeon may want you to wait in the waiting area.
The recovery room
- When the surgery is done, your child is taken to the recovery room. The recovery room is staffed by trained nurses who are skilled in caring for children after surgery.
- As soon as possible after surgery, you will be called into the recovery room. Only two adult parents or visitors are allowed. If you have other children with you, they will not be allowed into the recovery room. Please have another adult with you who can stay with the children while you are in the recovery room.
- It is common for children to be restless and confused for a short while after surgery. They may also feel sick or throw up (vomit), have some pain, a headache or sore throat. The nurse looking after your child can give medicine to help with these problems.
- Your surgeon will speak with you before you see your child or in the recovery room.
- If your child is going home the same day, the recovery room nurse gets him/her ready to go home. If your child will be admitted to the hospital, the nurse will help move your child to an inpatient floor.
Always ask questions or tell us if there is anything you are worried or unsure about during your child’s recovery.