Once Your Child Is Home
Keep in mind that it may take a little while for things to get back to normal when you return home. A visit to the hospital is a big event in a child’s and family’s life, even if only for a day. Shortly after the surgery, you may notice some changes in your child’s behavior, such as new fears, bed-wetting, nightmares, clinginess, tiredness or changes in eating. These are normal reactions and are often short-term. If you are worried about your child’s behavior changes, or they last longer than you thought they would, talk with your doctor.
Call your surgeon’s office right away if your child has:
Signs of infection that may include:
- Fever higher than 102°F
- Redness, swelling, warmth, pain or rmness around the wound (incision) or any IV site
- New or more pain not helped by pain medicine
- Drainage from the wound that changes color, looks thick or cloudy, or smells bad
Other problems such as:
- New bleeding or bruising
- Not drinking for more than eight hours
- Not urinating
- Throwing up for eight hours or more or feeling sick to his/her stomach • Pain, swelling, warmth or redness in his/her arm or leg
- Chest pain or a hard time breathing
- Any other concerns you want to talk about with your child’s care team
Call your surgeon if you have any other problems or concerns about your child. If you do not have the surgeon’s phone number, call 216-844-1000 to speak with the hospital operator. Ask for your surgeon’s phone number to be connected with his or her office.
Call 9-1-1 if you have any problems that you think are an emergency.
Be sure to read your child’s home-going instructions for more detailed information about his/her home care and follow-up plan.