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Care Options After Discharge

Hanna House Skilled Nursing Center

Hanna House Skilled Nursing Center is an onsite subacute care facility that serves as an interim step for patients who no longer need hospitalization but are not quite ready to return home. The unit provides patients with 24-hour nursing care and physical, occupational or speech-language therapy; wound care; and education to help manage new medical issues such as ostomies.

Hanna House Inpatient Rehabilitation Center

The Hanna House Inpatient Rehabilitation Center is for patients who require aggressive rehabilitation (physical, occupational and/or speech-language therapy) and 24-hour rehabilitation nursing care. The center, which provides access to the services and advanced technologies of University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, is under direction of a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician.

Hanna House Skilled Nursing or Inpatient Rehabilitation: For more information, speak with a social worker or call ext. 43848 or 41278, or 216-844-3848 or 216-844-1278 from outside the hospital

University Hospitals Home Care

University Hospitals Home Care offers a comprehensive array of services, including skilled nursing, home intravenous (IV) therapy and injections, rehabilitation services, pediatric care, women’s health and nonmedical assistance for patients at home. UH Home Care staff provide the same high-quality, compassionate care you are accustomed to receiving from UH hospitals, outpatient centers and physicians.

University Hospitals Home Care, 216-844-4663 (HOME) or 1-800-552-8442