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University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Telephone Directory

Welcome to the University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital telephone directory. Please see the list below to find phone numbers for various departments and services.

To request an appointment with a University Hospitals specialist, call 1-866-UH4-CARE or fill out our Request a Call Back form.

Phone Directory
Department Phone Number
Hospital Operator 216-844-1000
Nutrition Services (At-Your-Request Room Service) 216-844-3663
Patient Care Advocates 216-844-7502
Parking 216-844-7275
General & Patient Information 216-844-3911
Security (Protective Services) 216-844-HELP (4357)
Billing/Financial Counselors 216-844-8299
Pastoral Care 216-UH4-CARE (216-844-2273) or
toll-free 1-866-UH4-CARE (1-866-844-2273)