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Caring for Your 15-Month-Old

Positive Parenting

Your child is starting to understand more than they can say. They want to be independent at times, but may have tantrums and meltdowns when they are upset. They will have tantrums less often when they are able to let you know what they want through language. Tantrums mean your child is overwhelmed and needs your help to regain control. Stay calm and use a warm supportive voice.

Help your child communicate. Encourage your child to use sounds, gestures and words even if you think you know what your child is trying to tell you. For example, they may take your hand and lead you over to a book and point. Respond by saying, do you want that book?

Make time for yourself and your partner.


This document contains general parenting information based on American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations and is not meant to replace the expert advice of your pediatrician.