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Pediatric Asthma Center

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital

Kristie Ross, MD
Daniel Craven, MD

Alfreda Eff - 216-844-3267

Dayenette Ellington - 855-568-2955

For hospital transfers, please call 216-844-1111.

Conditions Treated

  • Pediatric asthma
  • Severe asthma
  • Preschool wheezing
  • Exercise-induced wheezing/shortness of breath

Diagnostic Procedures

  • Pediatric pulmonary function testing
  • Exhaled nitric oxide
  • Tests of bronchoprovocation (exercise, methacholine)
  • Allergy skin prick testing
  • Infant pulmonary function testing 
  • Flexible bronchoscopy (not normally needed)


  • Personalized asthma management plan developed in conjunction with child and family
  • Integrated care path to ensure high-quality, highly reliable treatment of childhood acute asthma in all University Hospitals Emergency Departments
  • Innovative care path for the treatment of severe acute asthma in hospitalized children at all UH Rainbow Babies and Children’s locations, focused on personalized plans to prevent readmissions

Distinguishing Features

  • Collaborative team approach with allergy/immunology, gastroenterology, ENT, sleep medicine and other asthma-related specialties when needed
  • Multidisciplinary severe asthma clinic (pulmonology, nutrition, nursing, respiratory therapy, sleep medicine)
  • Clinical trials for novel interventions available through National Institutes of Health-funded collaboratives and other sources
  • Collaboration with insurers and community resources to provide in-home environmental assessments and remediation
  • Member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Medical Home Chapter Champions Program for Asthma, Allergy, and Anaphylaxis (MHCCPAAA) Quality Improvement (QI) Project
  • Integrated inpatient and outpatient registry to track outcomes
  • Certified asthma educator RNs provide education
  • Around-the-clock telephone advice from certified asthma educator RNs or specialist physicians Pediatric Asthma Center