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Pediatric Aerodigestive Program

Jay Shah, MD, Pediatric Otolaryngology, Jay.Shah@UHhospitals.org

Thomas J. Sferra, MD, Pediatric GastroenterologyThomas.Sferra@UHhospitals.org

Christen Conard, RN
216-844-0057, Christen.Conard@UHhospitals.org

For hospital transfers, please call 216-844-1111.

Conditions Treated
Feeding and swallowing disorders
Recurrent aspiration
Congenital and acquired structural disorders of the airway and esophagus
Severe gastroesophageal reflux and eosinophilic esophagitis
Recurring sinopulmonary infections
Chronic cough

Diagnostic Procedures
Feeding and swallowing evaluation, including both fluoroscopic and endoscopic techniques
Flexible laryngoscopy
Rigid laryngoscopy combined, when indicated, with flexible bronchoscopy and upper endoscopy
Lung function testing
Esophageal impedance-pH monitoring
Wireless esophageal pH monitoring
High-resolution esophageal manometry (motility testing)
Fully accredited nasal nitric oxide testing using Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Foundation standards
Nasal epithelial brush culture and electron microscopy
Genetic analysis
Exercise testing
Advanced imaging, including CT and MRI with 3-D reconstruction and vascular imaging
Therapies and Services
Advanced repair of airway lesions, from nose to alveolus
Antimicrobial airway clearance; antimicrobial, respiratory therapy and immunotherapies for medical causes of chronic aerodigestive issues
Advanced speech therapy for aspiration and other swallowing disorders

Distinguishing Features
One-stop clinic for the convenience of families
Collaborative team approach with ENT, pulmonology, gastroenterology, speech therapy, general surgery, cardiology, maxillofacial surgery, anesthesiology, allergy/immunology, critical care, sleep medicine, radiology and respiratory therapy
Efficient, combined procedures when needed
Collaborative surgical approach with involvement of pediatric maxillofacial surgery, pediatric dentistry, pediatric thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, and general pediatric surgery
Pediatric anesthesiology and critical care faculty highly experienced in complex airway and mediastinal cases
Integration with world-class PCD, CF, asthma/allergy, sleep medicine and other related programs
Timely and comprehensive feedback for patients and referring providers
Based in one of the nation’s oldest and most renowned children’s hospitals