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Viewing the Live Webcast

Pediatric Grand Rounds begins at 8 a.m. each Thursday, unless otherwise noted.

WebEx log on instructions:

  • Make sure pop-ups are not blocked on your browser or it may seem to load indefinitely.
  • Go to: https://meetings.uhhospitals.org

If logging on through UH:

  • Use your system email address and password to get into the webinar.

If logging on off the UH network:

  • Go to upper right corner and click “Join by Number” and then complete the boxes.

Meeting Number: 996 705 956
Password: (This meeting does not require a password.)

  • You may use your computer audio to listen. You do not need to call in.
  • Please keep your mic muted as the presenter will not hear you, but all other web users will.
  • You must type any questions in the chat.