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Salary and Benefits

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this a salaried position? Yes
  • It is a requirement that the salary must be commensurate to a PGY 6 or greater in the same city. Does your program meet this requirement? Yes
  • Is the salary guaranteed for the year? No
  • Is there funding available beyond salary for meeting attendance, research, etc? No
  • Is the salary dependent on call? No
  • Call Responsibilities: Yes
  • It is a requirement that Health Insurance be provided. Do you provide health insurance to your fellows? Yes
  • Teaching Responsibilities: Yes
  • Courses/Academic Presentations: Yes
  • Does reimbursement for the above make up part of the salary? No
  • Does the fellowship contract include a non-compete clause? Yes

Graduate Medical Education Benefits

The Graduate Medical Education office maintains a comprehensive detailed list of up to date resident and fellow benefits and salary. Stipends are increased by the GME office annually.