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Applicant Interview Information

The interview season for the 2021 Match Process will be conducted virtually.

Prior to the Interview

Information regarding the residency program can be found on the public website. Virtual sessions will be arranged prior to your interview for an opportunity to meet and engage in conversation with current residents. It will give you a feel for the program and some insight into Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center General Surgery Program.

Day of the Interview

Using a virtual platform, all candidates will interview with the Program Director and Chairman for approximately 10 minutes each. In addition, each candidate will partake in three additional 20 minute interviews. In order to minimize unconscious bias, standardized structured interviews are conducted.

For More Information, please contact:

Rachel Marshall

Rachel Marshall

Primary Contact
Academic Coordinator
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Department of Surgery
11100 Euclid Ave, Lakeside 7th Floor, Rm 7112
Cleveland, OH 44106

Deb Marti

Deb Marti

Secondary Contact
Academic Coordinator
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Department of Surgery
11100 Euclid Ave, Lakeside 7th Floor, Rm 7112
Cleveland, OH 44106