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Comprehensive Hospital Training Experiences

Training occurs within the University Hospitals Health System and The Louis Stokes Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center. University Hospitals’ main campus in Cleveland includes the academic medical center, UH Cleveland Medical Center, as well as UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and UH Seidman Cancer Center. University Hospitals includes numerous regional community hospitals in northeast Ohio. Each location provides residents with diverse clinical and surgical training opportunities.

UH Cleveland Medical Center is a 1,000 bed academic medical center with an American College of Surgeons (ACS)-verified Level 1 Trauma designation for adults. It is a recognized leader in minimally invasive surgery, surgical endoscopy. The full breadth of routine and complex surgical care is offered at UH Cleveland Medical Center.

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital is traditionally recognized as one of the top children’s hospitals in the country and has the only Level I Pediatric Trauma Center in northeastern Ohio.

UH Seidman Cancer Center is part of Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, one of 71 National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers. Residents participate in the multidisciplinary care and surgical management of cancer patients. There are numerous multidisciplinary tumor board conferences to augment education.

University Hospitals Community Hospitals: Residents will have rotations at UH regional hospitals in order to experience training in a community practice setting. The sites of training currently include a rotation at UH Geauga Medical Center, a Campus of UH Regional Hospitals and operative experiences at UH Ahuja and UH St. John Medical Center. Rotations at UH St. John Medical Center and UH Portage Medical Center will commence in academic year 2021-22. At the UH regional hospitals, there is a high volume of routine general surgery procedures as well as bariatrics, breast, colorectal, endoscopy, and foregut surgery.

The Louis Stokes Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center is a major teaching hospital of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and the third largest VAMC in the country. It is consistently recognized as one of the best VA medical centers in the country. It has 350 acute care beds, 185 nursing home beds and 137 domiciliary beds. The center is a Regional Referral Center for cardiac surgery, major vascular cases and colorectal cases. Upper gastrointestinal, hepatic, pancreaticobiliary and robotic general surgery are also performed at the VA.