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Education & Training

One of the strengths of the program is the exceptional faculty availability and commitment to training. Each year, we accept only one surgical resident and the operative experience is catered to the strengths, weaknesses, and interests of that fellow. A strong didactic program based on the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery CREST educational modules provides an excellent companion to clinical learning. Weekly indications conference allows for stimulating discussion of options of treatment and hones the Resident’s decision making skills.

Strengths of the Program:

Huge volume of operative experience, reoperative pelvic surgery, experience in inflammatory bowel disease, minimally invasive surgery, fellow to faculty ratio, teaching.

Clinic Office Experience:

Mandatory weekly office experience.

Interaction General Surgery Residents:

Full compliment of residents and physician extenders.


Weekly CREST based didactic program, weekly multidisciplinary colon and rectal tumor board, weekly indications conference, Colorectal morbidity and mortality conference, quarterly city wide Inflammatory bowel disease conference, colorectal journal club.

Requirement for Paper:

Required annual submission to ASCRS, opportunity to attend annual ASCRS and additional meetings.

Interview Dates:

Interviews will be held on August 29, 2024 and September 12, 2024.