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Education & Training

The philosophy of the Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellowship is based on flexibility and prioritizing the educational needs of the fellow. The three-year fellowship is structured so that the first year is primarily clinical, the second year is primarily research and the third year provides a mix of research and clinical time. The fellowship is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Strengths of the program include:

  • Diverse clinical training
  • High volume minimally invasive reproductive surgeries
  • Basic, translational and clinical research opportunities
  • Comprehensive didactic curriculum
  • Close mentorship opportunities with faculty

Additionally, our Specialty Concentrations Program allows the fellow to tailor the fellowship more specifically to his or her educational needs and interests.

Clinical Training

The first year is predominantly dedicated to the acquisition of clinical skills in reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI). Throughout fellowship fellows will be exposed to the related areas including:

  • Andrology / Male Infertility
  • Medical endocrinology
  • Reproductive Genetics
  • Reproductive Psychology

Additionally, the fellow has continuity clinic one half day each week.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies Training

Fellows learn all aspects of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) monitoring, oocyte retrievals and embryo transfers by daily participation in our ART program, which performs over 350 cycles of in vitro fertilization (IVF) - embryo transfer annually. The fellow is an active participant in daily ART team meetings-where the care for all patients undergoing IVF, frozen embryo transfer, or ovulation induction is reviewed.

Comprehensive Surgical Experience

The fellow assists in a large volume of complex reproductive surgeries done by the REI faculty, including laparoscopic, robotic and tubal surgery training (including both open and robotic tubal reversals). We are proud to be a training site for the Society of Reproductive Surgeons (SRS) Surgical Scholars Track for fellows who wish to gain additional training in the field of reproductive surgery

Teaching Rounds and Rotations

In addition, formal REI teaching rounds are conducted on Tuesdays for 2 hours by an REI faculty member. To broaden their education, fellows participate in off-service rotations one-half day per week during the first year, including:

  • IVF case management series
  • IVF Cycle Review
  • Journal Club

Scientific Research Experience

Scientific effort in the first year is devoted primarily to identifying a research question and choosing a research mentor. During the first year, each fellow designs a research project that can be completed within the next two years. The project is written as a research proposal and submitted to the thesis committee for approval. The first-year fellow spends the month of February off the clinical service in order to do preparation for the research project, which will start in July.

Clinical Training for Second- and Third-Year Fellows

During the second and first half of the third fellowship year, clinical activity will be limited to 10 percent - or four hours per week. Fellows will continue to rotate on weekend call every three weeks. The second-year fellow participates in select surgical cases, while the third-year fellow has continuity clinic half day per week.

Specialty Concentrations program

During the second half of the third year, the third year fellow can choose an area of special concentration to focus their clinical or research efforts in which to develop further expertise. Specialty concentrations consistent of additional rotations, attendance at national conference and didactics and modules. Specialty concentrations include:

  • Reproductive surgery/SRS Scholars Track
  • IVF and embryology
  • Research
  • Endocrinology/menopause

Thesis Research with Biostatistics Education

The second year and half of the third year is spent completing a significant research experience that will culminate in the fellow's thesis submission at the conclusion of the fellowship; 90 percent of this time is protected for research. Fellows have the significant resources of our reproductive biology laboratory to allow them to complete meaningful basic and translational scientific research. Many of our fellows have chosen projects under the mentorship of the active researchers in our division.

During their research block, fellows also take a biostatistics course at Case Western Reserve University. They participate in weekly laboratory meetings and fellow didactics.

Block Schedule

Area of Training Percent of Time
Year One

Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

Research 10%

Off-Service Rotations:
Medical Endocrinology 
Reproductive Genetics
Reproductive Urology
Reproductive Psychology

Year Two
Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
ART lab rotation
Research 90%
Year Three
Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Reproductive Psychology
Medical Endocrinology 
1st half: 10%
2nd half: 90%
Research 1st half: 90%
2nd half: 10%