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Basic Research

Numerous opportunities abound for both clinical and basic science research within our institution. Situated within the University Hospitals and Case Western Reserve University campuses, UH MacDonald Women’s Hospital offers extensive access to research collaborations. The hospital's 8th floor is entirely dedicated to basic science research, housing the laboratories of Dr. Sam Mesiano, PhD, and Emily Hamburg-Shields, MD, PhD. Emily Hamburg-Shields, a recent graduate of our combined fellowship soon to be a RSTP Scholar, is establishing her own research program. The strategic placement of our laboratories within our standalone women’s hospital facilitates seamless collaboration and close proximity between researchers and our Labor and Delivery Unit.

Clinical Research

Clinical research opportunities are also abundant and supported by biostatistical assistance from Case Western Reserve University and the clinical research core of University Hospitals. Previous fellows in our combined program have effectively conducted prospective randomized trials within our institution. Additionally, our Maternal Fetal Medicine division benefits from a dedicated full-time research nurse, and our institution utilizes RedCap for data management. Furthermore, we serve as a satellite site for the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Maternal Fetal Medicine Units Network (MFMU).