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William Stacey, MD, PhD

University Hospitals Neurology Resident Research Experience

William Stacey, MD, PhD

Graduated: 2006
Current Position: Associate Professor of Neurology, University of Michigan
Research Interests: iEngineering and epilepsy: computational modeling and analysis of epileptic waveforms

"I stayed at University Hospitals for the Neurology Residency after completing my MD PhD at Case Western Reserve University in Biomedical Engineering with Dr. Dominique Durand. I was attracted to the strong neural engineering group at CWRU, which has continued to develop translational research projects with the Department of Neurology. During residency, I was able to spend some elective time working on a small research project based upon my PhD work, and afterwards moved to an Epilepsy Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania. I believe the most important part of my residency was strong clinical training that allows me to combine patient care with my current research interests."