Jose I Suarez, MD
"My main areas of interest are neurocritical care and stroke and I joined the Neurology Residency Program at CWRU in 1993. I was fortunate to join a training program with excellent mentorship for neurology residents. Drs. Dennis Landis, John Leigh and Robert Ruff provided the support and guidance for me to network with key academic neurocritical care practitioners and helped me schedule elective rotations with them since there was no such program at CWRU at the time. After my fellowship training in neurocritical care and stroke at the Johns Hopkins University, Drs. Landis, Leigh and Ruff were instrumental in securing my return to CWRU to establish a successful academic program in neurocritical care and stroke, which has been running since 1998. The nurturing I received at CWRU helped me secure R01 funding from NINDS to become one of the few neurointensivists with such funding in the U.S. I was able to combine a busy neuroICU practice with an academic career dedicated to the investigation of newer therapies for neurocritically-ill patients. Even though I am not at CWRU at the moment I truly believe that the mentoring I received there during my residency and my first 9 years of academic life paved the way for my very satisfactory career."