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Eroboghene Ubogu, MD

University Hospitals Neurology Resident Research Experience

Eroboghene Ubogu, MD

Graduated: 2003
Current Position: Professor of Neurology, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Director, Division of Neuromuscular Disorders, the Electromyography Laboratory and the Muscle and Nerve Histopathology Laboratory
Research Interests: neuromuscular inflammation, mechanisms of leukocyte entry into peripheral nerve and muscle in autoimmune disease and during immune surveillance, biology of the human blood-nerve barrier

University Hospitals Neurology Resident Research Experience"During my CWRU residency I was inspired by physician-scientists on the faculty, including Drs. Bob Ruff, Henry Kaminski and John Leigh. Further exposure to neuromuscular medicine during my clinical fellowship contributed to my developing a burning desire to understand how the internal microenvironment of peripheral nerves is regulated in health and disease. I particularly wanted to understand how the systemic immune system interacts with peripheral nerves during immunosurveillance and how this interaction is altered during immune-mediated inflammatory disorders such as Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). The ultimate goal of my work is to improve outcomes and reduce the burden of neurological disease. My exposure to internationally recognized clinician researchers and physician scientists on the cutting edge of their respective disciplines, and seeing their genuine desire to translate their discoveries to the care of patients inspired my research career."