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Eric Bershad, MD

University Hospitals Neurology Resident Research Experience

Eric Bershad, MD

Graduated: 2006
Current Position: Assistant Professor of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine
Research Interests: brain physiology monitoring, intracranial pressure, intracerebral hemorrhage, space medicine

Dr. Bershad with astronaut suit"I was originally attracted to the CWRU Neurology Residency Program due to the excellent diversity and high quality reputation of the faculty members. During my residency I learned from many world renowned neurological experts in their fields which gave me a solid clinical, educational and research foundation. I then pursued my interest of neurocritical care and subsequently helped develop the program at the Baylor College of Medicine, where I am currently on faculty. Using the foundations that I learned at CWRU, I then built my research area in intracranial pressure monitoring assessment. I have received funding from the Center for Space Medicine and the National Space Biomedical Research Institute for projects related to the visual impairment intracranial hypertension syndrome in the long duration astronauts."