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Deepak Gupta, MD

University Hospitals Neurology Resident Research Experience

Deepak Gupta, MD

Graduated: 2016
Current Position: Assistant Professor of Neurology, University of Vermont
Research Interests: movement disorders and medical education

computer screen"I consider myself highly fortunate to have finished neurology residency training in the combined program at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland VA Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University. Our program director, Dr. David Preston, was instrumental in drafting a 6-months research track for me during PGY3, which greatly enabled me to pursue funded projects across the full spectrum of basic science (levodopa-induced dyskinesia in C. elegans), translational (GRP78 as biomarker of Parkinson's disease), clinical (Parkinson inpatient quality initiative) and educational (randomized trial of fundoscopy training methods) research in neurology. There is no doubt in my mind that the well-rounded clinical training, diverse research experiences and excellent mentorship I got in my residency training will always remain the most decisive factor in determining the success of my physician scientist career in neurology."