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David Geldmacher, MD

University Hospitals Neurology Resident Research Experience

David Geldmacher, MD

Graduated: 1990
Current Position: Charles and Patsy Collat Scholar of Neuroscience and Director of the Division of Behavioral Neurology and Memory Disorders at the University of Alabama at Birmingham
Research Interests: drug development for dementia, disorders of complex visual processing

"I was strongly influenced by the eye-movement research labs during my time in residency at CWRU. I adapted my knowledge from exposure to those activities to my interests in visuospatial cognition. The research I conducted during the early years of my academic career was focused on the interface of eye-movements and cognition in studies of visuospatial exploration. Unfortunately, the technologies available in the 1990s made study of cognitive eye-movements very difficult in older adults with cognitive impairment. I retain a strong clinical interest in eye-movements and dizziness as a direct consequence of my time as a resident at CWRU."