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Christian Grommes, MD

University Hospitals Neurology Resident Research Experience

Christian Grommes, MD

Graduated: 2009
Current Position: Assistant Attending, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Research interests: genetic abnormalities in primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL), treatment of PCNSL, targeted therapy of high grade gliomas

"My research focused on the anti-tumor effects of PPARgamma agonists on high grade gliomas. I was interested in the CWRU neurology program because I was able to be trained as a clinical neurologist and in parallel could pursue my basic science interests. I worked in the laboratory of Dr. Gary E. Landreth in the CWRU Neuroscience Department during my time as a neurology resident, resulting in peer-reviewed publications. My neurology training at CWRU and my research background allowed me to move on to a neuro-oncology fellowship at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). I am now a faculty member at MSKCC and I am pursuing a career as a physician scientist with the goal of translating basic "bench" research into clinical trials and finally to new treatment regimens. The experience and training I received during my time at the CWRU Neurology Department built the foundation of my successful transition into a physician-scientist."