A Letter from the Program Director
Thank you for your interest in the Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Neurology Residency. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Neurology Residency Program is a four-year categorical program in neurology that includes a PGY1 year of internal medicine training. The Neurology PGY1 year is identical to that of the first-year residents in the Internal Medicine Residency Program with the exception of two months of inpatient neurology and one month of an elective.
The primary goal of the Neurology Residency Program is to foster the development of clinical judgment and professionalism. The main educational tool is teaching residents to provide care to many and diverse patients, accepting graded responsibility through their four years of training under the supervision of the faculty.
Residents rotate through two hospitals, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and the Louis B. Stokes Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center. The program of graded patient care responsibility is augmented by an extensive program of didactic lectures; experience in neurological subspecialties such as neuro-ophthalmology and neurological intensive care; training in the interpretation of neurodiagnostic testing including EEG, EMG, autonomic testing, transcranial Doppler and diagnostic imaging and exposure to the basic neurobiology underlying modern neurological practice.
We believe that the special strengths of our training program include:
- A diverse patient population, both in terms of disease process and socio-economic background
- A strong PGY3 curriculum focusing on neurological subspecialties, basic neurobiology and pediatric neurology
- A tradition of commitment to clinical training beginning with Joseph Foley, MD, and continuing under the leadership of Cathy Sila, MD
- A vigorous intellectual environment at Case Western Reserve University and at the participating academic medical centers
- An academically strong and diverse faculty with special strength in epilepsy, neuro-ophthalmology, cerebrovascular disease, neurological intensive care, movement disorders and neuromuscular disease
These web pages are intended to describe the program in sufficient detail to answer the questions of potential applicants. Please contact us with any additional questions.

David C. Preston, MD
Program Director, Neurology Residency