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Affiliated Teaching Faculty

  • Chair, Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Professor, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Director, Ear, Nose and Throat Institute, University Hospitals
  • Surgical Director, Perioperative Services, University Hospitals
  • Richard W. and Patricia R. Pogue Leadership Chair in OTO-HNS, University Hospitals
  • Julius W. McCall Professor and Endowed Chair, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Professor, CWRU School of Dental Medicine
  • Professor, CWRU School of Dental Medicine
  • Division Chief, Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Professor, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Virginia Hubbell Chair in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University Hospitals
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Michael Decker, PhD, ABSM 

Denise Dewald, Md
Senior Fellow

Ted Dick, PhD

Juan Paloma, DDS

Mark Weidenbecher, MD
MetroHealth System