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Our Pediatrics and Internal Medicine-Pediatrics residency programs were among the first programs to trial an "X+Y" model for ambulatory education. Our Internal Medicine program has been following a "6+2" format for several years and Pediatrics adopted a matching 6+2 format. Data from this national pilot has let to a change in the new ACGME requirements, allowing for broader implementation of X+Y scheduling.

Our residents will be following a general pattern of six weeks of inpatient service time (general floors/ICU/elective time), followed by two weeks of exclusively ambulatory medicine. Continuity clinics, outpatient didactics and other pertinent outpatient experiences (adolescent medicine, outpatient medicine subspecialty clinics, developmental pediatrics) are contained within the two-week ambulatory block. Residents are not expected to attend continuity clinic while on wards, ED or ICU rotations. We are excited to continue explore the many educational benefits of this curriculum.

Education Curriculum Schedule

In general, our residents complete the following rotations over their four years, in addition to the regularly occurring primary care-focused ambulatory blocks and vacations. For reference, one block=four weeks.

Year Internal Medicine Pediatrics

3 blocks wards
1 block MICU
0.5 blocks Professional Development
1.5 blocks ambulatory
0.5 blocks vacation

3 blocks wards
0.5 blocks newborn nursery
0.5 blocks elective
2 blocks ambulatory (including time blocked for advocacy, developmental behavioral peds, adolescent, heme/onc)
0.5 blocks vacation


2.5 blocks wards
0.5 blocks CICU
1.5 blocks elective
1.5 blocks ambulatory
0.5 blocks vacation

1 block wards
1 block ED
0.5 block heme/onc
1 block NICU
1 block PICU
1.5 blocks ambulatory (including developmental behavioral pediatrics, individualized curriculum)
0.5 blocks vacation


2.5 blocks wards
0.5 blocks CICU
0.5 blocks MICU
1.5 blocks ambulatory
1 block elective
0.5 blocks vacation

1 block wards
1 block ED
0.5 block elective
0.5 block individualized curriculum
0.5 blocks newborn nursery
1 block NICU
2 blocks ambulatory (community primary care experience, combine with individualized curriculum, elective
0.5 blocks vacation


2 blocks wards
0.5 blocks MICU
0.5 blocks geriatrics
1.5 blocks elective
1.5 blocks ambulatory
0.5 blocks vacation

1 block wards
0.5 blocks ED
1.5 blocks elective
1.5 blocks ambulatory ((adolescent, sick, community primary care experience))
1 block individualized curriculum
0.5 blocks vacation

Med-Peds Blocks

Our residents rotate between Medicine and Pediatrics every three months. Since our year is divided into 13 blocks of four weeks each, this allows for complete seasonal variation over the course of four years, as you can see from the sample template below. Since vacation time is drawn from the side on which you spend more time that year, every year you get an even split of clinical time on Medicine and Pediatrics, meaning no one falls behind in one specialty or the other.

Ambulatory Block Schedule

Primary care focused ambulatory blocks occur at regular intervals. These blocks include Peds or Medicine themed outpatient specialty experiences along with primary care clinics.

Medicine-Pediatrics Rotation Block Schedule