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Geriatrics Fellowship Conferences

Participants in the Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Geriatric Medicine Fellowship (Internal Medicine) Program are encouraged to attend one annual national conference during their fellowship. Attendance at citywide and local geriatrics conferences are mandatory.

National Conference Opportunities

  • Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society (AGS): This national meeting is attended by professionals involved in providing healthcare to older patients. It allows fellow trainees an opportunity to update their knowledge of clinical geriatric medicine.
  • Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA): This conference focuses on presenting information related to aging issues in general. Taking a broader approach to studying aging, this is a meeting that may be especially helpful for those trainees interested in researching questions beyond the clinical issues seen in geriatric medicine.
  • Annual AMDA (American Medical Directors Association) Conference, The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine: This meeting focuses on education and advocacy for those involved in post-acute and long term care. Fellows with an interest in medical direction and /or clinical care of patients in skilled nursing facilities and nursing homes may want to attend this conference.

Citywide/Regional Conference Series

  • Citywide Summer Core Geriatrics Curriculum: This weekly half-day conference series runs July - September for all geriatrics fellows in the Cleveland area. Faculty from University Hospitals, VA, Cleveland Clinic and MetroHealth collaborate to provide presentations on core geriatrics topics such as dementia, delirium, depression, incontinence, falls and post-acute care.
  • Citywide Journal Club: This monthly journal club runs from October - June for all geriatrics fellows in the Cleveland area. Fellows take turns presenting journal articles for discussion with geriatrics fellows and faculty from University Hospitals, VA, Cleveland Clinic and MetroHealth.
  • Most Difficult Case Conference (Dr Michael Malone, Aurora Health Care, University of Wisconsin): This monthly one-hour call-in conference for geriatrics fellows from several states allows fellows and faculty to discuss difficult patient cases. Fellows present challenging cases with important teaching points reviewed by faculty in geriatric medicine and geriatric psychiatry.

Local Conferences Presentations and Opportunities

  • Divisional Geriatrics/Palliative Care Conference: During this biweekly interdisciplinary conference attended by geriatrics fellows, faculty, residents, students, nurse practitioners and administrative staff, presentations are provided by fellows, faculty, students and invited speakers on topics ranging from geriatrics, palliative care, QI projects, faculty development and administrative issues. During this meeting, depending on the speaker/agenda, a formal lecture, case presentation, journal club, or updates on administrative issues affecting the division may be discussed.
  • Topics in Geriatric Medicine Continuing Education Series (VA GRECC): This weekly VA conference is the equivalent of Geriatrics Grand Rounds and includes a wide range of aging-related topics delivered by local to nationally known speakers from medicine, social work, nursing, pharmacy, psychology, therapy and advocacy/community service programs.
  • Fellows are also encouraged to participate in the weekly Department of Medicine Grand Rounds and Morbidity and Mortality Conference series.