Dermatology Residency Requirements & Application
Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Programs
Applications to our dermatology residency programs must be submitted through the Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS).
Our program will be participating in the ERAS application offered through the AAMC’s ERAS program. Applicants will be required to complete the MyERAS application.
The additional information will help our program staff learn more about applicants’ medical education journey, including more meaningful information about work, volunteer, and research experiences, and help us better identify applicants who fit our program environment and mission.
Six resident physicians are accepted each year.
Applications for the 2025 match (advanced positions to begin July 1, 2026) must be submitted by October 1, 2024. Applicants selected for an interview will be notified via email. Interviews will be conducted virtually in January 2025 and final selections will be made through the National Residency Match Program (NRMP).
Your completed ERAS application must include the following:
- Completed MyERAS Application
- Completed Supplemental ERAS Application (optional)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Personal statement
- Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)
- Medical school transcripts
- Results of all COMLEX/USMLE Examination Scores (Note: for applications to the 2025 match, Step 2CK and Step 2 CS scores are for initial application submission)
- A minimum of three letters of recommendation from physicians in support of your application to the program.
Please make sure you are registered with the NRMP in order to participate in the match.
The NRMP program code is: 1552080A0
Check out our two internship year positions within University Hospitals:
Preliminary Year IM Program
(UH Cleveland Medical Center)
NRMP Code: 1552140PO
Internal Medicine Prelim Year Program at University Hospitals Community Consortium
(UH Geauga Medical Center)
NRMP Code: 2189140P0
Within our residency program, we offer an opportunity to pursue a four-year academic track. This is identified in your second year of dermatology training and does not require a separate ERAS application. If you are interested in pursuing the four-year academic track program, please include this in your personal statement and email our program coordinator at