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UH Samaritan Medical Center

UH Samaritan Women’s Health Provides Personalized, Quality Care and Education

Committed to providing personalized women’s care, the specialized caregivers UH Samaritan Medical Center provide obstetric and gynecology care through every stage of life. Our highly trained team uses sophisticated diagnostics and the latest treatment options for women’s health.

Make an Appointment

Make an appointment with a medical professional at UH
Samaritan Medical Center. Call 419-289-0491 or 1-800-257-9917.

Meet Our Team

With the support of our unit’s skilled nursing staff, our team of providers with years of combined experience leads our comprehensive women’s health services, caring for both obstetrical patients and gynecological surgery patients:

Labor and Delivery

Maternity patients of UH Samaritan Medical Center can deliver at locations across Northeast Ohio. Your provider will discuss the best option for you.

Childbirth Education

For an optimal birthing experience, we offer Childbirth Education Programs. Whether you are a rookie or a seasoned veteran, we encourage you to take advantage of these classes, where our certified childbirth educators cover such topics as:

  • Signs and stages of labor
  • Relaxation and breathing techniques
  • Pain management and epidural anesthesia
  • Postpartum and newborn care
  • Breastfeeding

Find a class that fits your schedule.

Prenatal Breastfeeding Classes

Prenatal breastfeeding education classes help new mothers get off to a strong start with breastfeeding. These classes are included in our childbirth education series.

For more information or to register, please call 419-207-2438Online resources are also available for all your breastfeeding questions.

Outpatient Lactation Consultations

University Hospitals Lactation Services provides assistance to mothers and babies in Northeast Ohio who need a little extra help with breastfeeding. Outpatient lactation consultations are available for any mothers who experience problems with breastfeeding.

Lactation Support Group

Mothers will have the opportunity to meet and talk with other breastfeeding moms. This allows them to share their breastfeeding experiences. The Group is led by our IBCLC.

Presently, this group meets virtually. Please call 419-207-2438 to register or obtain more information.

Make an Appointment

Make an appointment with a medical professional at UH Samaritan Medical Center. Call 419-289-0491 or 1-800-257-9917.