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Observational Learning Opportunities at UH Portage Medical Center

Portrait of laughing multi-cultural medical team standing in hospital corridor

Observation Instructions

To begin the observation process, individuals must submit a request using the link provided below, specifying their preferred department(s). Once the request is approved, applicants will be prompted to complete an application. Additional details and requirements are outlined below.

Application Requirements

Applicants are required to:

  • Complete an application and online compliance training.
  • Adhere to all health screening requirements.

Health Requirements

Observers must provide the following documentation:

  1. Tuberculosis Screening: Proof of a 1-step skin test or blood draw TB screening completed within the past 6 months.
  2. COVID-19 Vaccination: Proof of vaccination or a signed declination form.
  3. Flu Vaccine (November – April): Proof of vaccination for the current flu season or a signed declination form with the requirement to mask during observation.

For additional information or questions about observational experiences, contact Volunteer Services at 330-297-2591.

Make an Appointment

Make an appointment with a medical professional at UH Portage Medical Center.
