Parkinson’s Disease Exercise Program
View the Parkinson’s Exercise Program Schedule
The goal of the Parkinson’s Disease Exercise Program at the UH Fitness Center in Avon is to empower people with Parkinson’s disease by improving their physical and emotional fitness in a fun and safe environment that encourages healthy choices and camaraderie. The program is a collaboration between University Hospitals Neurological Institute and the UH Fitness Center in Avon.
What Does This Program Involve?
Our exercise program includes:
- Delay the Disease: A fitness class designed to target symptoms and improve functional tasks for individuals with Parkinson's disease.
- Educational presentations: Experts in a variety of fields provide educational presentations relating to Parkinson’s Disease. This is a great opportunity to get to know class members and learn new techniques to keep yourself healthy.
- Mindful Movement: A yoga class designed specifically for people living with Parkinson’s disease. It is adapted to reach all levels of ability, and encourages mind and body connection with a focus on proper breathing techniques.
- Rock Steady Boxing: A “noncontact boxing style” fitness program for Parkinson’s disease, specifically encouraging hand-eye coordination, footwork and memory recall. The program establishes rhythm, gait, balance, breathing, voice activation, posture awareness, fun and camaraderie.
How Do I Get Started?
To get started with our program, follow these steps:
- Contact Kelly Kacenjar ( or call 440-328-3446 (voicemail line) to determine if there are openings in the program. Please allow two business days for a response.
- Provide a medical waiver signed by your physician allowing you to participate in the Parkinson’s disease exercise program.
- Our coordinator will contact you to schedule a pre-program assessment.
Frequently Asked Questions About Our Program
- Are there specific requirements for the program?
A care partner is required to attend and assist if you require assistance with getting up from a chair, specific exercises, ambulation, using the restroom and communication.
- Do I need an ID or membership card?
When you register for the program, you will receive a specific card for access to the classes held at the UH Fitness Center in Avon. You will be required to show your Parkinson’s program membership card every time you enter the UH Fitness Center in Avon for a class.
- When will the education sessions be held?
We offer educational presentations covering various topics monthly. These sessions are from noon to 1 p.m. The education lectures are free and open to the public, but a RSVP is required to ensure we have enough space and materials. Contact for more information.
- What is the cost of the program?
Due to the generosity of donors, the fee is $20 to $35 per month. Recurring payment will be set up with a major credit card when you register for the program. The educational lectures are included with your fee. Cancellations of the program require contact to our Business Office before the 1st of each month.
- Is membership to the UH Fitness Center in Avon included in the membership cost?
No. If you would like to take full advantage of the award-winning 60,000-square-foot UH Fitness Center in Avon and the 125 weekly classes, there is a separate membership fee. For more information on the benefits of UH Fitness Center in Avon membership, please speak with a membership representative for a full tour.