Fitness Center at UH Avon Health Center
H.O.P.E. Wellness Program for Patients with Cancer
View the program information/agreement form
View the program referral form
View the program referral form
The H.O.P.E. Wellness Program is an 8 week exercise program for people with cancer. The exercise classes are led by a specially trained fitness team at UH Avon Health Center.
This program can help:
- Improve energy
- Improve social support
- Reduce pain
- Reduce fatigue
The 8 week program includes:
- Health assessment by our fitness team to understand your needs and to design personalized exercise program
- Small group workout meeting 2 days a week for 8 weeks
- 10 passes to Avon Fitness Center
- Wellness classes about:
- Preventing Lymphedema
- Nutrition
- Managing stress
- Complimentary therapy such as massage or acupuncture
Program fee:
$50 per person. Financial aid is available. To learn more, call 440-988-6973.
To sign up:
Contact Chris Ross, Fitness Specialist
Call 440-988-6973 or email
The H.O.P.E. Program:
This program is sponsored by The Hampson Mole Foundation.
H.O.P.E. stands for:
Overcome obstacles faced
Encourage one another