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Showing  8 of 10 results

Senior couple enjoying a winter walk

Diabetes, Winter, and Your Heart

Explore how the body undergoes changes during the winter season, including its effects on mood, diabetes, and heart health.

Family gathered around a dining table enjoying holiday meal

Joyful Plates - Mindful Eating Strategies for the Holidays

Stay on track with your health goals by learning practical tips for healthy holiday eating.

African American woman smiles as she discusses with the doctor sitting beside her.

Managing Diabetes and Mental Health

Learn practical strategies to manage diabetes and mental health, cope with stress, and improve well-being for better care and quality of life.

Senior father and mature son making fruit smoothie as snack.

Heart Disease & Type 2 Diabetes - Understanding Impact and Treatments

Learn about how diabetes impacts individuals in the U.S and its connections to cardiovascular issues.

Young woman checking her blood sugar using glucometer and synchronizing it with smart watch.

Diabetes and Technology

Learn more about the latest advancements and practical insights into leveraging technology for better diabetes control and improved quality of life.

Young woman measuring her blood sugar using glucometer

Diabetic Therapy Updates

Learn about cutting-edge treatments, therapies and strategies--all designed to improve the lives of those living with diabetes.

How Diabetes Affects Your Eyes

How Diabetes Affects Your Eyes

Learn everything you want to know about diabetes and your eyes.

Excess Weight - 10 Ways to Avoid Prediabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, and Heart Disease

Excess Weight - 10 Ways to Avoid Prediabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, and Heart Disease

Learn 10 things people with excess body weight can do to prevent complications.

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