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Expectant mother touches abdomen while listening to unrecognizable doctor

Stroke Support and Education | Life After Stroke: Stroke and Pregnancy

Learn about pregnancy and stroke and a lifesaving procedure called Mechanical Thrombectomy.

Seniors in the community center listening to the seminar.

Stroke Education & Support | Life After Stroke: Right Brain Strokes

Learn about the difference between right versus left brain strokes, cognitive evaluations and post-stroke mood disorders.

Illustration of a heart and heart beat for national atrial fibrillation awareness month observed in September

Atrial Fibrillation - What You Need to Know and Why You Should Care

Learn about the causes of afib, symptoms, risks of being diagnosed and the latest treatment options.

Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation - Update on Treatment Options

Learn more about atrial fibrillation, how to reduce your risk of stroke, the importance of lifestyle modifications and the latest treatment options for afib patients.

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