Menopause and Vaginal Dryness - Common Causes and What You Can Do About It
December 07, 2023
Do you have vaginal dryness, burning, decreased lubrication or pain during sex? Do you have urinary frequency, urgency or frequent bladder infections? You're not alone.
Approximately 50 – 80 percent of perimenopausal and postmenopausal women experience these symptoms. Unfortunately, many women do not generally discuss these problems with their healthcare providers.
These symptoms commonly occur when estrogen levels decline, as a result of menopausal changes, known as the genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). GSM occurs because of the normal decrease in estrogen in the vagina, vulva and bladder that occurs with menopause.
Join UH menopause expert, Jean Marino, CNP, to discuss GSM symptoms and available treatments. The session will include dedicated Q & A with Jean.
More Information
- Learn more about Menopause Management.
- Find a UH OB/GYN.
Tags: Menopause, Vaginal Dryness