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From Bump to Bundle

Saturday, August 10, 2024 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Preparation for childbirth can increase the joyful experience and confidence of the mother to be and her partner. This one day class is designed to fit into busy schedules. Topics covered include the birth process, exercise, relaxation, pain management options and more. Couples registered for this class may attend an Infant Care class offered at UH St Johns Medical Center at no additional charge. Please call 440-827-5460 to register for Infant Care to receive the no charge discount. To avoid a double charge only one registrant per couple needs to complete the registration form for this class. Cost: $85/couple. Please call 1-440-827-5460 for any questions. Thank you.

  • Cost: $85.00
  • Seats Available: 6


UH St John Medical Center
29000 Center Ridge Rd
Westlake, OH