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Leadership Team

Daniel Spratt, MD

Daniel Spratt, MD
  • Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Professor, CWRU School of Medicine

Lauren Allyn

Lauren Allyn
  • Department Administrator

Rojano Kashani, PhD

Rojano Kashani, PhD
  • Division Chief of Physics and Dosimetry
  • Medical Director, Radiation Oncology Regional Network, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Director, Breast Cancer Services, Radiation Oncology, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Professor, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Bob and Ann Gillespie Master Clinician in Oncology, UH Seidman Cancer Center
  • Co-Director, Breast Cancer Program, UH Seidman Cancer Center
  • Director, Phase I Clinical Trials Program, Radiation Oncology, University Hospitals
  • Vice Chair of Research, Radiation Oncology, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Clinical Associate Professor, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Hennessy Hyland Master Clinician in Immunotherapy and New Drug Development, UH Seidman Cancer Center
  • Vice Chair for Education, Radiation Oncology, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Clerkship Director, Medical Students, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Clinical Instructor, CWRU School of Medicine
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Jenny Morgan, RN

Jenny Morgan, RN
  • Radiation Oncology Nurse Manager

Katelynn Stamm, RTT

Katelynn Stamm, RTT
  • Supervisor for Radiation Therapists