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We have updated our Online Services Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. See our Cookies Notice for information concerning our use of cookies and similar technologies. By using this website or clicking “I ACCEPT”, you consent to our Online Services Terms of Use.

UH Brand Center

The UH Brand Center contains everything you need to familiarize yourself with the brand and identity of University Hospitals. This encompasses all UH locations, services, practices, partnerships and technology. Included are downloadable templates and logos; instructions for creating flyers and newsletters and ordering materials; and resources that outline our brand, design and writing standards.

Questions? Email BrandCenter@UHhospitals.org

Brand Standards and Authorization Forms

Our current guidelines and authorization forms needed.

Download Assets

Download word templates, powerpoint templates, memos, letterhead, fax forms, maps, logos,

Order Materials

Materials for order include: Lab Coats, Promotional Material and Stationery (Including Biocards and Business Cards)

Create or Request Designed Materials

Request design assistance or do-it-yourself using an approved template.

For Our Vendors

This section is intended for our vendors only. Please note, passwords will need to be entered to access these sections.