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Report on Philanthropy

At University Hospitals, there is no greater mark of success than the support of those we serve. No greater measure of our performance than our connection to the community.

In 2018, UH received more than $149 million in support to help advance the science of health and the art of compassion. Within this total is unprecedented funding for research and discovery as well as numerous examples of striking generosity, including:

Sheldon G. Adelman
Sheldon G. Adelman
  • The Minoff family’s contribution to advance outpatient care, recognized with the naming of the UH Minoff Health Center at Chagrin Highlands in 2019
  • Continued support from Angela and James Hambrick to UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, establishing a new Center of Excellence in cardiac recovery
  • Personally meaningful support from Mary and Dr. Rustom Khouri to elevate emergency care for Westside patients and families.

Of the more than 15,000 gifts UH received last year, 18 were gifts of $1 million or more and each had a profound impact on our health system, benefiting areas such as advanced nursing education, mental health initiatives, pet therapy and more.

At the same time, we reinforced our commitment to the community with the July 2018 opening of the UH Rainbow Center for Women & Children, a vision made reality thanks to many donors, foundations and corporations. Fully funded through external support, the center received over 41,000 clinical care and pharmacy visits in its first eight months of operation and has become an integral resource for community engagement and education. It is a powerful demonstration of the impact philanthropy has on our health system and the difference we can make when we unite around a common goal.

We applaud your enduring commitment to our mission and all those we serve. Your passion and support are both invaluable and vital to UH’s future.

Chair, UH Development Committee