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Art Program

The Art Collection at University Hospitals was established in 1988 to foster an environment of healing through aesthetics. Today our professional staff manages and displays an art collection comprised of thousands of carefully selected posters and more than 2,000 original works of art, many generously donated by individuals who have been touched by their UH experience.

Designated gallery spaces host exhibitions of local and regional artists, UH employee juried shows, patient exhibitions, and group shows. The artwork acquired for the permanent collection or displayed in the gallery is selected to reflect and enhance University Hospitals' mission: To Heal. To Teach. To Discover.

Please continue to explore our website for more information about our arts programming.

To learn more about the Art Program, contact us at art@uhhospitals.org or call 216-844-2001.

Selection from the UH Art Collection
Selection from the UH Art Collection
Selection from the UH Art Collection
Selection from the UH Art Collection
Selection from the UH Art Collection
Selection from the UH Art Collection
Selection from the UH Art Collection
Selection from the UH Art Collection
Selection from the UH Art Collection
Selection from the UH Art Collection