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How to Hire a Clinical Research Intern

Interns are an excellent way provide the department with additional support and allow employees to explore mentorship. Internships help build awareness about careers in research and play a critical role in a student’s career, interests, and vision of their future work environment. The below information will help guide departments on the process for hiring student interns.

1. Required Approvals

Each department must seek the appropriate approvals from their department to provide funding for the student internship position.

2. Identify a Mentor

An Intern needs a specific mentor for them to rely on during the internship. Within the department, identify the specific employee to mentor the student. The mentor can have the student see other aspects of the department with other employees, keeping in mind the mentor is ultimately responsible for the intern. This mentor should review A Mentor’s Guide for Successful Internships.

3. Create a Position

Reference the User Guide for Managers on Taleo for posting a position. The administrator of department would create the paid internship role in Taleo, using the Intern Job Description or the Research Assistant PRN Job Description.

4. Connect to Resources

  • The Clinical Research Center Integration and Education team maintains a pipeline with potential candidates with various backgrounds that are interested in a career in clinical research. Send an email to ResearchInternships@UHhospitals.org for a list of candidates and their resumes. 
  • Once the manager receives the resumes, they are free to contact the student. 
  • When contacting the student, notify them they received their resume from our system and are interested in connecting about a potential internship
  • This is a beneficial way for managers to pre-select applicants      

5. Review Applicants

  • Once the job is live on the job board, candidates are able to apply. 
  • For candidates that you are interested in pursuing further or would like for the position, have them apply to the live position on the job board.
  • Human Resources will finish the process.
