Oncology Research
Our world-renowned basic scientists and researchers at University Hospitals Urology Institute, in collaboration with colleagues at the Department of Urology at Case Western Reserve University, are committed to preventing prostate, bladder, and renal cancers.
Bladder Cancer Research
Our multidisciplinary team of researchers, including scientists from the Department of Radiology and UH Seidman Cancer Center, are conducting a comprehensive analysis of bladder cancer. This study focuses on demographic and social determinants of care, mRNA tumor molecular composition, immune histochemical receptor identification, tumor and host-microbiome, and the interaction between host and tumor environment via image analysis algorithm.
The findings from the ongoing studies will quantify the functional relevance of tumor and host response and illuminate the potential relationships between gender and race contributing to disparities in bladder cancer.
Prostate Cancer Research
Our basic science and translational research teams use large data to better diagnose, treat, and understand the biology of prostate cancer.
UH Research & Education Institute Pilot Award
Laura Bukavina, MD, MPH received the UH Research & Education Institute Pilot Award as the Principal Investigator of “Impact of Mental Health Treatment on Bladder Cancer Mortality in US Veterans” study.
Study on Gender Disparity
Researchers at University Hospitals Department of Urology recently published their study on gender disparity in cystectomy postoperative outcomes in the European Urology Oncology Journal.
ASCI's 2021 Young Physician-Scientist Awards
Jonathan E. Shoag, MD is awarded the ASCI's 2021 Young Physician-Scientist Awards (YPSA).
Harnessing clinical data to identify new prostate cancer therapeutics
Jonathan E. Shoag, MD is working to identify drugs that have activity against the normal prostate and can be used to understand and treat prostate cancer.
Medicine’s Jonathan Shoag, MD talks about improved model for prostate cancer screening
Experts urge medical societies to reconsider prostate cancer screening guidelines