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Women’s Health and Fertility Study

Altered Endometrial Cell Progesterone Responsiveness in the Etiology of Endometriosis and Infertility

woman holding her stomach on couch


AGE: 18-45
TYPE: Observational Study
CONDITION: Routine Biopsy or Laparoscopic Surgery
LOCATION: UH Cleveland Medical Center, UH Ahuja Medical Center, UH Westlake Health Center, UH Landerbrook

Learn More About This Research Study

Please contact the UH Fertility Center Research Team at 216-285-5028 or complete the online form below.

Study Purpose

The purpose of this study is to assess reproductive hormone levels and function in tissue from patients planning to have a routine biopsy or undergoing routine laparoscopic surgery.

Who Can Participate

Females 18-45 years of age planning to have a routine biopsy or undergo routine laparoscopic surgery may be eligible for this study.

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Study ID

  • STUDYID#20220053