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IC/BPS Study

Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of a Single Treatment of BOTOX®, Followed by an Optional Open-Label Treatment with BOTOX®, in Female Subjects with Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS)

This study is currently closed to enrollment.


physician talking with woman


AGE: 18 – 74 years old
GENDER: Female
TYPE: Interventional Drug Study
CONDITION: Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS)
LOCATION: UH Cleveland Medical Center

Learn More About This Research Study

For more information, please contact the study coordinator, Bridget Ermlich at 216-541-1844 or by completing the form below.

Study Purpose

The purpose of this research study is to investigate the safety (what side effects the study treatment may have) and effectiveness (how well the study treatment works to relieve symptoms) of BOTOX when injected into the bladder of adult females for the treatment of Interstitial Cystitis/ Bladder Pain Syndrome. BOTOX is not a FDA approved to treat IC/BPS.

Who Can Participate

Female participants between 18 to 75 years of age with a confirmed diagnosis of IC/BPS may be eligible for this study.

  • STUDYID20221048